Saturday, January 12, 2013

Dead Battery

After a long day at work I jumped in the car ready to head home.  I slipped the key into the ignition and clicked it over expecting the Batmobile's usual purr and nothing!  I tried again and the dash lights flickered.  "Starter?" I thought.  I went ahead and tried one more time and didn't let up until she started.  Trouble is afoot, I must away to my local Auto Zone and hope for the best.  After a few cold and harsh days I had time to take her to get checked out today.  First things first the battery was bad.  I'd purchased a new battery in Dec of 2010 so it's one month past the warranty.  Luckily Auto Zone prorates their batteries so I was able to get a new one for less then cost.  I went for the gold top 8 year warranty and she started right up!  Thank goodness.  With my heavy heart now relieved I used my last few hours of day light to head on over to my local Firestone and get the alignment knocked out.  Out of the four wheels all except the rear left were way out of whack.  So now the Batmobile has a 1 year warranty on alignment and 8 year warranty on the battery. That's two less things out of a billion to worry about.

Mileage 163,244

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